Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Would A Table Be Good For An Aquarium What Would Be Some Interesting Species Of Fish To Keep In A Little 2 Gallon(no Heater) Table-top Aquarium?

What would be some interesting species of fish to keep in a little 2 gallon(no heater) table-top aquarium? - would a table be good for an aquarium

There are goldfish and guppies, of course, but it would be good to have something a little exotic. Suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. You can use a beta in a 2-gallon tank set, no problem, some people say no to the U, but the truth is that they are happy as they are 2 liters in 20 gallons. In addition, the water is perfectly good for a beta (or tropical or not), I in good company, and if you beta UR UR nature, needs no heating. I do not recommend, by a goldfish in a 2-liter tank because they grow very large and need lots of space to swim. Neon tetras deals too good to be small fish in a gallon 2 have (I would say 2 to 4 neons are good for 2 gallons) ... Other than the exotic fish must be kept in large aquariums.
